Consider the Euclidian space $E_n={\mathbb R}^n$, with standard scalar product
$$x\cdot y=x_1y_1+\cdots+x_ny_n.$$
A closed convex cone $\Gamma\subset E_n$ defines an order by $y\ge x$ iff $y-x\in\Gamma$. An order is *compatible* with the Euclidian structure if 

 - $x,y\in\Gamma$ implies $x\cdot y\ge0$,
 - conversely, if $x\in\Gamma$ implies $x\cdot y\ge0$, then $y\in\Gamma$.

Cones satisfying these properties are usually called *self-dual*. Examples of self cones are $({\mathbb R}^+)^n$, a circular cone with an appropriate aperture angle (which depends on $n$), and the cone of semi-positive definite symmetric $d\times d$ matrices if $n=\frac{d(d+1)}2$. Self-dual cones are also present in the theory of Jordan algebras.

I have two questions.

> If $n=2$, the angle of a cone and of its dual are related by the formula $\alpha+\beta=\pi$. In particular, a self-dual cone has angle $\frac\pi2$. In dimension $n=3$, there is no such formula. If the cone is circular, its solid angle $\Omega$ and $\Omega'$, that of the dual cone are related by
But for the positive orthant, the left-hand side above equals $\frac98$. Is it true that for every convex cone, the solid angles of the cone and of its dual are constrained by
In particular, what are the possible values for the solid angle of a self-dual convex cone ? Is there a similar inequality (with equality for circular cones) in higher dimension ?

The side question is whether the set of self-dual convex cones form a compact metric space, where we may take the Hausdorff metric on the intersections with the unit sphere. I should bet so.