Thinking and searching about it also the case of cubes seems not clear to me, and thus I "upgrade" my comment. 

It is know by work of Bugeaud and Mignotte "Sur l'équation diophantienne $(x^n - 1)/(x-1)=y^q$, II" (see Thm 5) that such a number is not a perfect power (not just not a cube). 

Another relevant reference is by the same authors "On integers with identical digits" containing among other things the result (Thm 2): 

>Let $a$ and $b$ be integers with $2 \le b \le 10$ and $1 \le a \le b-1$. The integer $N$ with all digits equal $a$ in base $b$ is not a perfect power, except for $N=1,4,8,9$, for $N=11111$ written in base $3$, for $N=1111$ written in base $7$, for $N=4444$ written in base $7$.

There are earlier contributions to this problem by others, see the papers for references. (Both papers are freely available online on Bugeaud's webpage see year 1999) 

It seems there was some discussion of this question on the Mersenne forum a while ago for cubes specifically and also a proof was given (scroll down a bit). I did not study it in detail, but if you want just the result for cubes it seems more accessible, yet it also involves solving Thue equations.