Related to [this question]( For polynomial $f$, let $rad(f)$ denote the radical of $f$, the product of irreducible factors. Suppose that $G(x,y) \in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ is homogeneous without any repeated factors. $r(u,v),s(u,v) \in \mathbb{C}[u,v]$ are coprime. At least one of them depends on both $u,v$, i.e. is not univariate. > Q1 Is it true that $\deg{(rad(G(r(u,v),s(u,v))))}\ge \max\{\deg(r),\deg(s)\}(\deg(G)-2) + 2$? If we drop the restriction to depend on both $u,v$ this is false. The bound is attainable. **Added** Pasten's comment essentially disproved Q1. Let $r,s \in \mathbb{C}[u_1,\ldots,u_n] $ be coprime. > Q2 Is it true that $\deg{(rad(G(r,s)))}\ge \max\{\deg(r),\deg(s)\}(\deg(G)-2) + 1$? I _suspect_ $abc$ implies this, so $abc$ for multivariate polynomials might solve this.