Indeed the "symmetrized square-free monomials" seem to generate. (Order lexicographically and look what the highest term in a product looks like. Now use that to concoct rewriting rules.) [Oops! This is less obvious than it seemed. The symmetrizations are not with respect to the full symmetric group.] They also seem to be independent, as the transcendence degree matches. [Oops! Also wrong. It would contradict the Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem. There may be many orbits of our cyclic group in the set of square free monomials of a given degree.] One may wish to check the degree of the full ring as a module over the predicted subring. For example, K[x,y] as a module over K[x+y,xy] has basis 1, x, but why? [Because of the minimal polynomial (T-x)(T-y) over that subring. But this reasoning is less helpful for larger degree. Nevertheless one may wish to look at our full ring as a (free) module over the polynomial ring in the elementary symmetric functions. Is there a basis of that module that is permuted by our cyclic group? And one really wants the ring structure, not just the vector space.] Wilberd