I posted this question in several other places as well (the nmbrthry mailing list, and sci.math.research). Here, completely unedited, is the bulk of an email I just got from Rene Schoof.

page 30  line -16  we conclude  that L_1 .... (rather than "the")

page 83 last line   ...|f(alpha_0)|/|f'(alpha_0)|  (index 0 missing)

page 86 line 16: numbering (one word)

page 86         line 17 Then f_1(x) .... (f is missing)

page 98 last line \phi(g'g)  (no inverse)  (think so)

page 99 line -17 The inflation map departs from  H^q(G/H, A^H)

page 99 line -6  the map departs  from H^q(G,A^t)

page 101 line 13  Hom(Z[G/H], A^*))

page 104 the top horizontal map in the commutative diagram should be

page 106 formula (7.3)  starts like  (f.g)d= (df) ....

page 115 lin -3 follows from (ii)  (rather  than (iii))

page 113 Theorem 8  in the formulation one should add "for all p"

page 135  the ugly lemma ...you know already

page 141 Prop 2. Z should be bold face.

page 141  last lines of section 2.4 "q" is not the "q" of line 5 of
section 2.4

page 144 line -4 I_\pi is *topologically* generated by  sigma_pi

page 145 G = G_{L/K}

page 145 In Prop. 6 should be "(1) of prop 5 holds"

page 147 line -17  add "K is a local field"

page 148  line 7 f(X) =  pX + .... (f is missing)

page 150 line -17  formula should be "f.phi^(p) - phi^(p).g...
(rather than f)

page 153  line 14  ring A should be  A^_nr  (?)

page 155 line 5 of section 4.1 {Z \cup \infty} should be  Z \cup

page 157 line -2   f(chi)  (f is missing)

page 173 section 5.6 "Number Field case" (rather than Number Theory

page 177  last symbol on page should be J_L

page 195 in the big diagram the third top vertical arrow should not
be there (at this point in the proof)

page 196 line 5  Im beta_1 \supset Im(inv_1)

page 242 in the diagram top left corner  E_k  (rather than E_K)

page 284  footnote: this is my favorite. After Stalin ... :-) [Note by KB: that's no typo!]

page 292 line -2 of the introduction "maximal unramified extension"

page 312 line -7  ....L_1(k^+ - 0)  (bracket missing)

page 357 in displayed formula:  f(tX + Y) ... (f missing)