Hochschild cohomology can be used to characterise formal smoothness of unital associative algebras; in that such an algebra $A$ is formally smooth if and only if it is of Hochschild cohomological dimension at most $1$. I was curious, is there a similar characterization of formal smoothness in the category of commutative unital associative algebras, making use of the Hochschild cohomology modules? I mean in the finite dimensional case: I guess you can say that if A is smooth over k of essentially finite type and is finite dimension $d$, therefore is $d$-calabi-Yau, and so its cohomology (and homology) vanished above index $d$. Therefore it must be of finite hochschild cohomological dimension. However, this all relies on the finite dimension assumption... so whould there be some kind of arbitrary dimensional generalization? Or betteryet an infintiely generated generalization?