First recall the Jordan-Hölder theorem for groups:  

> **Theorem** (Jordan-Hölder):  Let $G$ be a group, and let $$ G=G_1 \supset G_2 \supset \dots \supset G_r = \{ e \} $$ be a normal tower such that each group
> $G_i /G_{i+1}$ is simple, and $G_i \neq G_{i+1}$ for $0<i<r$.
> Then any other normal tower of $G$ having the same properties is
> equivalent to this one (i.e. the sequence of factor groups in our two
> towers are the same up to isomorphisms, and a permutation of the
> indices).  

[This paper][1] of Kodiyalam-Landau-Sunder contains the basic definition of a planar algebra, of a  group (subfactor) planar algebra, the definitions (p16)  of planar algebra morphism, planar ideal and quotient.  
We note that the planar ideals are precisely the kernel of the planar algebra morphisms !   
We call a planar algebra **simple** if it has no non-trivial planar ideal.  

> **Question 1** : Do the planar ideals of a group planar algebra correspond to the normal subgroups ?

If yes, a group planar algebra is simple iff the group is simple.  
If no, how adapt the concept of planar ideal for having a positive answer ?  

>**Question 2** :  Let $\mathcal{P}$ be a planar algebra, and let $$ \mathcal{P}=\mathcal{J}_1 \supset \mathcal{J}_2 \supset \dots \supset \mathcal{J}_r = (0) $$ be an ideal tower such that each quotient
> $\mathcal{J}_i /\mathcal{J}_{i+1}$ is simple, and $\mathcal{J}_i \neq \mathcal{J}_{i+1}$ for $0<i<r$.
> Then any other ideal tower of $\mathcal{P}$ having the same properties is
> equivalent to this one (i.e. the sequence of quotient planar algebras in our two towers are the same up to isomorphisms, and a permutation of the
> indices)  ? 
