Hello to all,

I have been looking quite recently at the following theorem:
Let $X$ be a projective variety and $T$ a tilting object for $X$. If $A:=End(T)$ is the associated endomorphism algebra, then the functor
$RHom(T -): D^b(X) \rightarrow D^b(A)$ is in fact an equivalence. Now, this is proven (as in the claasical Bondal paper) by showing that the functor is fully faithful and essentially surjective. But in I have noticed another version where one defines a functor $-\otimes^L_A T: D^b(X) \longrightarrow D^b(A)$. My question is could someone maybe give a definition of this functor (I of course know what all types of tensor-products are, but I'm not really sure how to "tensor" a module over a noncommutative ring $A$ together with a sheaf to obtain another sheaf.