Solovay proved that a measurable cardinal is equiconsistent with the existence of an extension of Lebesgue measure to a full measure on $P(\mathbb R)$.  The inner model direction is relatively simple.  Let $\kappa$ be the additivity of the $\sigma$-ideal of measure zero sets, and translate this to a $\kappa$-complete ideal $J$ on $\kappa$.  $P(\kappa)/J$ is a c.c.c. boolean algebra.  If $F$ is the dual filter, then one can show using Kunen’s theory that $L[F]$ is a model of $\kappa$ measurable.  The key is to show $L[F] \models$ GCH.

Are there similar equiconsistencies with larger cardinals, perhaps using non-canonical models?  For example, suppose $\kappa$ is weakly inaccessible there is a uniform ideal $I$ on $\theta>\kappa$ with completeness $\kappa$ and such that $P(\theta)/I$ is c.c.c.  Is $\kappa$ $\kappa^+$-strongly compact in an inner model?  What is the best we can say about the consistency strength?