
I think the issue here is that the right notion of *top exterior power* in infinite dimensions is given by a gerbe instead of a line. Specially in the context of loop spaces as you are interested, the right notion of *determinant bundle* is given by the *determinantal gerbe* of Kapranov and Vasserot [1]. I'll only sketch the idea here. The notion of *determinant* for finite dimensional vector spaces is beautifully abstracted and specially adapted for this point of view by Knudsen and Mumford [2]. A nice explanation of Kapranov's ideas and much more on extensions of groups by groupoids is found in Osipov-Zhu [3]. 

The key point is that the tangent space to these formally smooth ind-schemes is a locally compact vector space that wants to look like $k((t))$. These are called Tate vector spaces. $Tate_0$ spaces are finite dimensional vector spaces and $Tate_{n+1}$ spaces are vector spaces that can be written as projective limit of directed limits of $Tate_n$ spaces (the limits take place in a fixed category defined by Kato and Beilinson). The stereotypical example of a $Tate_1$ space is $k((t))$ and a $Tate_2$ space is $k((t))((s))$ and so on. We need one more definition, that of a *lattice* in a $Tate_{n+1}$ space $V$, these corresponds to subspaces $V' \subset V$ that are projective limits of spaces in $Tate_n$. So a typical lattice in $V=k((t))$ is $V' = k[[t]]$. 

In $Tate_0$ we have the usual notion of determinant: it is a functor from $Tate_0$ to the Picard groupoid $Pic^\mathbb{Z}$ of $\mathbb{Z}$ graded lines:
$$ V \mapsto \det V := \wedge^{n} V[-n], \qquad \mathrm{dim } V = n$$
For each injective homomorphism $V' \hookrightarrow V$ we have
$$\det(V') \otimes \det (V/V') \simeq \det (V)$$
For any diagram
0 @>>> {U'} @>>> U @>>>  {U/U'} @>>> 0 \\ 
@. @VVV  @VVV  @VVV @. \\  
0 @>>>  {V'} @>>> V @>>>  {V/V'} @>>> 0 
The following diagram is commutative:
\begin{CD} \det(U') \otimes \det(U/U') @>>>  \det U  \\ @VVV @VVV \\ \det(V') \otimes \det(V/V') @>>>   \det V \end{CD} 
And there's a larger diagram for a quotient of three short exact sequences as above. 

On $Tate_1$ the situation is subtler. A **graded determinantal** theory on $V$ is a rule that to each lattice $V' \subset V$ it assigns a graded line $\Delta(V') \in Pic^\mathbb{Z}$ and for any lattice $V'' \supset V'$ we have isomorphisms 
$$\Delta(V') \otimes \det(V''/V') \simeq \Delta(V'')$$ 
with the natural compatibility condition when $V''' \supset V''$. 
\begin{CD}\Delta(V') \otimes \det (V''/V') \otimes \det (V'''/V'') @> >>  \Delta(V'') \otimes \det(V'''/V'') \\   @VVV @VVV \\  \Delta(V') \otimes \det(V'''/V') @> >>  \Delta(V''') \end{CD}

The set of graded determinantal theories on $V$ is a category (the notion of morphisms is straightforward) and moreover it is a  $Pic^\mathbb{Z}$-torsor since for each graded line $l[n]$ and determinantal theory $\Delta$ we can define $\Delta'(V') := l[n] \otimes \Delta(V')$. 

So now if we sheafify things, and we look at a sheaf $\mathcal{V}$ of $Tate_1$ spaces over a space $X$, its *top exterior power* is the category of graded determinantal theories on $\mathcal{V}$. This is a torsor over $Pic^\mathbb{Z}_X$ and forgetting the grading this is the same thing as a  $\mathbb{G}_m$-gerbe. 

In [1] Kapranov and Vasserot work this out in detail when $X$ is a formally smooth ind-scheme and $\mathcal{V}$ is its tangent bundle, so they construct the determinantal gerbe $\mathcal{D}et (TX)$ and I think this is the closest you would get to a notion of *(anti)canonical bundle* on these spaces. Duality is now a different story that for the most part has to be written down. 

[1] Formal loops IV: chiral differential operators. http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0612371  
[2] The projectivity of the moduli space of stable curves I: preliminaries on "det" and "div" Math. Scand. 39 (1976), 19-55 http://www.mscand.dk/article/viewFile/12001/10017  
[3] A categorical proof of the Parshin reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces http://arxiv.org/abs/1002.4848