Yes, $y$ can violate the constraints. The one about box constraints ($0 \leq y \leq 1$) is OK by how $y$ is defined, the problem is the other one ($A^T y \leq b$). First I tried getting a feasibility proof unsuccessfully, then I decided to build a reproducible counterexample using Python: import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np # Generate a random instance according to the conditions stated by OP (small c, larger n). n = 150 c = 2 # Build p, A and b, which are elementwise positive. np.random.seed(1) p = np.random.uniform(0, 1, n) A = np.random.uniform(0,1, (n,c)) b = np.random.uniform(0,1, c) # Define and solve the CVXPY problem. # Note that we'll solve the primal problem only to get the dual variable lambda^* x = cp.Variable(n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(p.T@x), [A.T @ x <= b, x <= 1, x >= 0 ]) prob.solve() print("A dual solution is") print(prob.constraints[0].dual_value) # Construct the suggested heuristic solution, starting from the dual solution: lambda_opt = prob.constraints[0].dual_value r = p - np.matmul(A, lambda_opt) y = (r > 0).astype(int) # Verify feasibility for y: print("Check nonpositive:", (A.T @ y) -b ) This piece of code outputs the array [0.138349, 0.11109537] at the last line, therefore, $A^T y - b \leq 0$ doesn't hold and $y$ is unfeasible. As a conclusion, without further information or hypotheses about $A, b$ and $p$, the proposed approach won't work in general. Regarding the second part of your question, it reminds me about Approximation Algorithms. I cite from the [Wikipedia article][1]: > In computer science and operations research, approximation algorithms are efficient algorithms that find approximate solutions to optimization problems (in particular NP-hard problems) with provable guarantees on the distance of the returned solution to the optimal one. Assuming the problem of finding $\lambda^*$ easier as you mention, there are two scenarios: 1) If you can find $\lambda^*$ by other means and not solving the linear problem nor its dual, then you could use complementary slackness conditions to try find $x^*$. This somewhat relates to what you are building with the binding/nonbinding dual constraints (i.e. $r_i$ values). There are several examples available on how to procede, like [here][2], [here][3] or [here][4]. 2) If the dual problem is "easier" to solve, your approach sounds similar to using a primal-dual method. You can read an explanation on how it works at Section 5.1 of [this document][5], while [the original source where it was proposed for solving linear programs][6] is several decades old.<sup>1</sup> The general idea will be as follows: 1. Find a feasible dual solution $\lambda$. 2. Given $\lambda$, find some $x$ that minimizes the violation of complementary slackness in the primal problem. (This is the step that reminds me of what you are trying to approach when constructing $y$). 3. If complementary slackness holds, $y$ is optimal, and the algorithm terminates. 4. Otherwise, change $\lambda$ so as to improve the dual objective, and go to 2. --- <sup>1</sup> Dantzig, George Bernard, Lester Randolph Ford Jr, and Delbert Ray Fulkerson. *A PRIMAL--DUAL ALGORITHM*. No. P-778. RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CA, 1956. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: