Currently I'm reading "Model Completeness Results for Expansions of the Ordered Field
of Real Numbers by Retricted Pfaffian Functions and the Exponential Function" by Wilkie and I do not fully understand the proof of Claim 8.4 and 8.5 on page 1081.
In particular how the result 3.5 (page 1062) was applied.

**Corollary 3.5**<br/>
Let $K \models \text{Th}(\mathbb{R}_\text{Pfaff})$ and let $e \in K$. Further, let
$g: (e,\infty) \rightarrow K$ be a definable function of $K$ which is not eventually
identically zero. Then there is some $s \in \mathbb{Q}$ and some $a \in K \setminus
\lbrace 0 \rbrace$ such that $g(x)x^s \rightarrow a$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$
(with respect to K).

As Claim 8.5 is shown in the same way as Claim 8.4, we will just look at the
application of 3.5 in Claim 8.4:<br/>
For $K = k$ and $g = \psi_i$ a direct application of 3.5 yields that $\psi_i
\rightarrow a_i$ as $t \rightarrow \infty$ for some $a_i \in k$. And another
application of 3.5 for $g = \psi_i-a_i$ yields that there is a positive rational
$\theta_i$ such that $|\psi_i(t)-a_i| < t^{-\theta_i}$ for all sufficiently large
$t \in k$.</br>
Exact details can be found in Wilkie's paper
<> on page 1062 and 1081.

I feel like I have overlooked some simple arguments but I do not know why the rational
powers vanished or how the inequality is justified. (Also, the paper works with
restricted Pfaffian functions and thus restricted domains which let bounded variables
only range over the interval $(0,1)$. I hope that the above in particular does not
need any arguments that refer to this restrictedness.)

I'm grateful for every help.