Professor Urs Würgler passed away one year ago, and his wife engraved [his tombstone][1] with "the formula he was the most proud of" : $B(n)*(X)\cong P(n)*(K(n))\square_{\Sigma_n}K(n)*(X)$ However she doesn't understand it, and she asked me if I can. I can't. But I discovered it is very close to the one in Theorem 3.1 p. 121 of Urs Würgler "Morava K-theories - a survey" 2006, in Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1474 DOI:10.1007/BFb0084741 So I tried to understand the [wikipedia page on Morava K-theory][2] but it is way above my level (PhD in dynamics and control) Can anybody try to explain what the formula is about in plain english, or it is definitely too abstract to express in human language ? [1]: [2]: