The section 12.2  of Huang's treatise on Statistical Mechanics (1963) gives hints of possible connections between the Ising model and Clifford algebras. Below I summarize the solution of the model without magnetic field, without proof and proper mathematical definitions. This is $\textit{not}$ an answer (Ceci n'est pas une pip), but maybe you can identify some elements towards a rigorous and clear mathematical formulation.

The partition function of the Ising model on a squared lattice with
$n^{2}$ spins, without external field, with isotropic exchange coupling
$\epsilon$, is

with the $2^{n}\times2^{n}$ matrix $\mathsf{{P}}$ given by 


being $\beta$ the inverse temperature, and
\mathsf{{V}}^{\pm} & =e^{\pm i\phi\Gamma_{1}\Gamma_{2n}}\left[\prod_{\alpha=1}^{n-1}e^{-i\phi\Gamma_{2\alpha+1}\Gamma_{2\alpha}}\right]\left[\prod_{\lambda=1}^{n}e^{-i\theta\Gamma_{2\lambda}\Gamma_{2\lambda-1}}\right]\\
\mathsf{{U}} & =i^{n}\Gamma_{1}\Gamma_{2}\cdots\Gamma_{2n},

where $\phi=\beta\epsilon$, $\tanh\theta=e^{-2\phi}$, and the $2n$
matrices $\Gamma_{\mu}$ $\left(\mu=1,\cdots,2n\right)$ (-of size
$2^{n}\times2^{n}$) defined by the anticommutation rule