The answer is yes, provided that $M$ has a faithful normal semifinite weight (this always exists) that is also semifinite when restricted to the centre (this I'm not so sure how easily can happen). When $M$ has a faithful normal semifinite weight $\varphi$, with $\varphi|_{Z(M)}$ semifinite, consider the modular group $\sigma_t^\varphi$ associated with $\varphi$. For each $t\in\mathbb{R}$, $\sigma_t^\varphi$ is an automorphism of $M$, and in particular it preserves its centre. This means that `\[ \sigma_t^\varphi(Z(M))=Z(M), \ \ t\in\mathbb{R} \]` This conditions, by Takesaki's Theorem (IX.4.2 in Takesaki 2, or [JFA1972][1]) are equivalent to the existence of a conditional expectation $E:M\to Z(M)$, with $\varphi\circ E=\varphi$. This last condition forces $E$ to be faithful and normal. [1]: