Few days ago I bought and already read this book, which I found quite nice (sorry it is in Russian):

Тельняшка математика ( Mathematician's (sailor's) striped vest) 

Author: Игорь Дуэль (Igor Duel )



This fiction story is about young gifted mathematician. To make the story interesting for (general) audience the authors uses the following tricks: 

1) the results obtained by main hero were attempted to be stolen by his boss, high-ranked
administrative official, who  is very weak in math, but build his career on the works of others. So this increases the temperature of the exposition and hopefully everyone will sympathy the main hero.

2) Main hero having this problem in his career makes a change in his life and goes to work as a sailor on a ship for many months. (That is why the title is so). 
So the exposition organized in the following way: chapter about math-life, chapter about sailor's life. During his sailor's life he has  many of adventures, and meet many different people.

3) The part of process of making discoveries is also described in way that everyone can
try to understand - by the analogy with military compaign: the author's results 
stands on results of his older colleague (springboard for attack), 
he try and fail the "front-wide" "Blitzkrieg", and after that
he creates his new paths to  unknown (enemy's) territory,
in several directions: in forests, in bogs -- in order to find the general picture
from pieces.

4) Of course, this line a about love story of the main hero.