$\newcommand{\Aut}{\operatorname{Aut}}$Let $G$ be an abelian group. It seems to be a well-known fact (for example [here][1]) that $B\Aut(K(G,1))$, the classifying space of the topological monoid of (unbased) self homotopy equivalences of the Eilenberg-Maclane space $K(G,1)$, has nontrivial homotopy groups $\pi_1 = \Aut(G),\pi_2 = G$. There is a fibration of topological monoids $$\Aut_*(K(G,1)) \to \Aut(K(G,1)) \to K(G,1)$$ where the first map is the inclusion of the fiber, and the second map is evaluating at the basepoint $e$ ($\Aut_*$ is the topological monoid of *based* homotopy equivalences). One can readily show that $\Aut_*(K(G,1))$ is homotopy equivalent to $\Aut(G)$ endowed with the discrete topology. Taking classifying spaces we get a fibration sequence $$K(\Aut(G),1) \to B\Aut(K(G,1))\to K(G,2)$$ which induces the LES in homotopy $$\cdots \to 0 \to \pi_2(X) \to G \overset{\phi}{\to} \Aut(G) \to \pi_1(X) \to 0 \to \cdots$$ where $X$ is $B\Aut(K(G,1))$. To get the stated result, it suffices to show that the map $\phi: G \to \Aut(G)$ sends $g$ to conjugation by $g$. Why is this true? I appreciate any references. [1]: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/349880/classifying-space-for-fibrations-with-eilenberg-maclane-space-fibers-and-nontriv?noredirect=1&lq=1