This is a question I've had for a while and really don't know how to go about finding an answer:

Does there exist a pair of binary operations, $\boxplus$ and $\boxtimes$, other than the usual $+$ and $\times$, such that $(\mathbb{Q}, \boxplus, \boxtimes)$ forms a ring?

I realize that there's probably some "axiom of choice" proof that constructs unintelligible binary operations or even a construction using some other countably infinite ring and a bijection to the rationals. So more importantly I ask:

Does there exist such a $\boxplus$ and $\boxtimes$ such that $a \boxplus b$ and $a \boxtimes b$ can be computed from (closed?) formulas that only involve $+$ and $\times$ ?

My apologies if there's some sort of easy example out there that I'm missing. (Though in that case I'll push further and ask if it can be generalized to a larger class of examples.)
