For the last point, I think the literature on **represented spaces** will be useful. There is a lot written about this; I recommend [this recent survey of Schroeder]( (and the sources in its bibliography). Granted, this is somewhat more geared towards *computable analysis* than *(effective) descriptive set theory*, but there is still strong overlap.

Roughly speaking, suppose we have a topological space $\mathcal{X}$ equipped with a canonical basis. Each point in $\mathcal{X}$ can be described by a set of basis elements, and examples like $\mathbb{R}, 2^\mathbb{N}$, and $\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$ suggest that with "naturally-occuring" spaces it is often the case that such representations yield a good computability theory (we have notions of "computable elements" of each of those spaces). Polish spaces arise as a natural generalization of this setting; note that completeness can be thought of as the analogue of "every infinite sequence of decimal digits corresponds to a real number." Of course the situation is a bit more complicated than this, as the theory of represented spaces indicates, but this is still a good starting point.

Moreover, since all "nontrivial" Polish spaces are *Borel-isomorphic*, we get a general independence principle for "high-level" descriptive set theoretic questions. This helps motivate them on the classical side.


However, I **don't** really think that (set-theoretic) forcing and inner models are best approached via computability theory, even for a computability theorist; while they do have computability-theoretic aspects, focusing too much on this will obscure the fundamentally set-theoretic nature of the topic which is necessary to any deep understanding. In particular, while  there is a notion of forcing in classical computability theory, in my opinion it's far too weak to yield a good bridge to set-theoretic forcing.

## That said ...


For general set-theoretic forcing and inner models, I think the right starting point *(overlooking the concern of the paragraph above)* is **hyperarithmetic theory**. Not only is this a "lightface" analogue of the Borel hierarchy (so it's relevant to the previous point too), it is tightly connected to the construction of $L$: in a very strong sense, $L$ is what you get when you "continue the hyperarithmetic hierarchy through the ordinals" (the relevant term here is "**master codes**" - see [here](

Hyperarithmetic theory is also useful for understanding set-theoretic forcing. Forcing in *classical* computability theory (e.g. Jockusch-Soare forcing) is a bit too simple to provide a good starting point for set-theoretic forcing in my opinion. One wants to shift from classical computability theoretic forcing to forcing over some "set theory flavored" structure. It turns out that **forcing over *levels of $L$*** is a very good context for doing this. For example, consider the proof that a comeager set of reals $x$ satisfy $\omega_1^{CK}(x)=\omega_1^{CK}$; this is basically "Cohen forcing over $L_{\omega_1^{CK}}$." In general, there's a rich theory of **forcing over admissible sets**.

My personal favorite treatment of the hyperarithmetic hierarchy and related notions is (the first few parts of) [Sacks' book **Higher recursion theory**]( *(it should be available via [ProjectEuclid](, but that link doesn't work at the moment)*.

*Now granted, [in a precise sense]( we can make sense of forcing "computably" rather than "hyperarithmetically;" however, while it's a very nice result I don't think this is a good way to approach the subject as a beginner from computability theory.*


One final topic worth mentioning re: forcing, specifically connected with combinatorial topics like $\mathsf{CH}$, is the theory of [**effective cardinal characteristics of the continuum**]( This amounts to a "computable analogue" of the analysis of the interval $[\aleph_1,2^{\aleph_0}]$ via forcing, with set-theoretic forcing notions usually having corresponding computability-theoretic ones which yield analogous results. For example, we have a direct connection between the following two facts:

 - It is (relatively) consistent with $\mathsf{ZFC}$ that there is a cardinal $\kappa$ such that $(i)$ there is a set $F$ of functions $\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ such that every $g:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ is *escaped* by some $f\in F$, but $(ii)$ there is a set $F$ of functions $\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ such that every $g:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ is *dominated* by some $f\in F$.

 - There are hyperimmune degrees *(= compute a function escaping all computable functions)* which are not high *(= compute a function dominating all computable functions)*. 

**Note that a *consistency result* is replaced by an *outright fact*.**

Here the idea is to shift from **cardinality** on the set-theoretic side to **lowness/highness notions** on the computability-theoretic side. Moreover, while the applications generally go from the set-theoretic version to the computability-theoretic version, there is at least one case where we get a result on the set-theoretic side building on an initial result on the computability-theoretic side; the set-theoretic result (which was much harder) was [gotten by Ivan Ongay-Valverde](, and the computability-theoretic result is [joint between Ivan and myself](

However, I think that this is a bit of a double-edged sword: while much more accessible to the classical computability theorist than hyperarithmetic theory, the conceptual shift in the previous sentence does lose a lot of the set-theoretic "spirit." I'm not sure how much I recommend it as a pedagogical starting point.