The theory of generalized stochastic processes was introduced independently in the 50's by Ito* and Gel'fand in a short paper. The latter then developed his theory more extensively in the fourth tome of his work on Generalized functions**.

I am looking for the initial short paper of Gel'fand, in Russian, with the following reference:

*I. M. Gelfand,Generalized random processes, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR100
(1955), no. 5, 853–856, in Russian.*

I couln't find it on the web. According to [WorldCat][1], it is in the MIT, too far for me. Does anybody have another solution to obtain this historical paper? 

*K. Itô, Stationary random distributions, Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 28
(1954), no. 3, 209–223.

**I. M. Gelfand and N. Ya. Vilenkin, Generalized functions. Vol. 4. Applications of
harmonic analysis, Academic press, New York, USA, 1964.
