Assume for simplicity that $B,F$ are finite CW-complexes and let $p:E\to B$ be the bundle projection. Suppose $B$ is obtained from a CW-complex $B'$ by attaching an $n$-cell. Suppose $\chi(B')\chi(F)=\chi (E')$ with $E'=p^{-1}(B')$. Then $H^*(E,E')\cong H^*(D^n\times F,S^{n-1}\times F)$ by excision and so $\chi(E,E')=(-1)^n\chi(F)$. So by induction on the number of cells we get $\chi(E)=\chi(B)\chi(F)$. No assumptions on the action of $\pi_1(B)$ are necessary.