In May's paper [The additivity of traces in triangulated categories]( he has the following things to say about this property. (At least, I think it is an equivalent property -- his notation is different and some minus signs are in different places.) 1. Call a triangle *exact* if it induces long exact sequences upon application of both representable and corepresentable functors (Definition 3.2). All distinguished triangles are exact, but not conversely. 1. In any octahedron, the Mayer-Vietoris triangles are exact (Lemma 3.6, asserted to be a "lengthy but elementary diagram chase"). 1. In any triangulated category arising from a well-behaved Quillen model category, given the rest of an octahedron there is *some* choice of $x$ and $y$ making the Mayer-Vietoris triangles distinguished (section 5). He proposes to call a triangulated category with this property *strong* (Definition 3.8). 1. In general, the Mayer-Vietoris triangles are not distinguished for all choices of $x$ and $y$. He sketches an argument for this that I don't completely follow, citing "[Faisceaux pervers](" by Beilinson, Bernstein, and Deligne (Remark 3.7). The last point seems to contradict what you say Iversen shows. I don't have access to Iversen; does he actually show this for *all* choices of $x$ and $y$, or only for the particular ones constructed in his proof of the octahedral axiom?