If you convolve the equation with the heat kernel in both the $t$ and $x$ variables, you get an equation of the form
u = H*f(u).
You can then solve this using a contraction mapping or iteration argument using an appropriate norm on $u$ and for sufficiently small $T$. This will give a solution $u$ that decays at infinity (this will be implied by the norm you use) and is smooth for positive $t$ (assuming that $f$ is a smooth function of $u$). I hope someone can provide a specific reference where this is carried out in detail.

EDIT: I didn't read or think about the question carefully enough. in particular, I didn't see "spatially inhomogeneous".

And Michael Renardy is right. It appears to me that for any space of functions $u$ where $H*f(u)$ lies in the same space, there is uniqueness and therefore $u$ is the solution to the ODE.