There is a (lightface) &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>1</sub> set A &subseteq; &omega; such that for each p > 0 the &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>1</sub> set T<sup>p</sup> &subseteq; &omega;<sup>p</sup> given by

> T<sup>p</sup>( j,x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub> ) iff &exist;t[ &lang; j,&lang; x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub>,t &rang;,1 &rang; &in; A ]

*parametrizes* the &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>1</sub> subsets of &omega;<sup>p</sup>, in the sense that X &subseteq; &omega;<sup>p</sup> is &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>1</sub> iff for some j, X is the j-section

> { (x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub>) : T<sup>p</sup>( j,x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub> ) }

of T<sup>p</sup>. The set A is obtained by formalizing Kleene's notion of recursive derivation. (For details, see p. 127 of Moschovakis's *Descriptive Set Theory*, Second Edition. Any odd notation I use below is from that book; for instance, the asterisk will denote concatenation.)

We use A to define, for each pair p,n > 0, a set S<sup>p</sup><sub>n</sub> &subseteq; &omega;<sup>p+1</sup> that parametrizes the &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n</sub> subsets of &omega;<sup>p</sup>. It will be useful to write &phi;(&alpha;) as shorthand for the conjunction of this

> &forall;j &forall;y [ &exist;i (&alpha;(i) = &lang;1,j,y&rang;) &leftrightarrow; (Seq(y) &wedge; &exist;t (&lang;j,y&ast;&lang;t&rang;,1 &in; A)) ]

with this

> &forall;j &forall;y &forall;m>0 [ &exist;i (&alpha;(i) = &lang;m+1,j,y&rang;) &leftrightarrow; (Seq(y) &wedge; &exist;t &not;&exist;h (&alpha;(h) = &lang;m,j,y&ast;&lang;t&rang;&rang;)) ].

Here &alpha; ranges over <sup>&omega;</sup>&omega; and the Roman letters range over &omega;. Maintaining this convention, write &psi;(&alpha;,n,j,y) for

> &exist;m [ n = m+1 &wedge; &exist;i (&alpha;(i) = &lang;m+1,j,y&rang;) ].

Notice that &phi;(&alpha;) &wedge; &psi;(&alpha;,n,j,y) defines an arithmetical subset of <sup>&omega;</sup>&omega; &times; &omega;<sup>3</sup>. Hence the set H &subseteq; &omega;<sup>3</sup> given by

> H(n,j,k) iff &exist;&alpha; (&phi;(&alpha;) &wedge; &psi;(&alpha;,n,j,y))

is &Sigma;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub> since that pointclass is closed under projection along <sup>&omega;</sup>&omega;. Moreover, induction on n reveals that

> &exist;&alpha; (&phi;(&alpha;) &wedge; &psi;(&alpha;,n,j,y))

is equivalent to

> &forall;&alpha; (&phi;(&alpha;) &rightarrow; &psi;(&alpha;,n,j,y))

so that H is in fact &Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub>. Now for p,n > 0 define

> S<sup>p</sup><sub>n</sub> = { (j,x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub>) : H(n,j,&lang;x<sub>1</sub>,&hellip;,x<sub>p</sub>&rang;) }.

By induction on n, for each p the set S<sup>p</sup><sub>n</sub> parametrizes the &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n</sub> subsets of &omega;<sup>p</sup>. For the base, use the first conjunct of &phi;(&alpha;) to show that S<sup>p</sup><sub>1</sub> = T<sup>p</sup> for each p. For the inductive step, use the inductive hypothesis and the second conjunct of &phi;(&alpha;).

Finally, let Q &subseteq; &omega;<sup>3</sup> be the &Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub> set given by

> Q(n,j,k) iff H(n,j,&lang;k&rang;)

so that (n,j,k) &in; Q iff (j,k) &in; S<sup>1</sup><sub>n</sub>. If the foregoing is free of errors, this answers my original question.

The motivation for that question might have been obvious, but I'll put it down for the record.

> *The set Q witnesses that the arithmetical sets are not the "effective analog" of the Borel sets.*

A classical result of Suslin is that the (boldface) <b>&Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub></b> sets coincide with the Borel sets. Since the arithmetical hierarchy resembles the Borel hierarchy, one might expect that the relationship between &Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub> and arithmetical resembles that between <b>&Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub></b> and Borel, enough perhaps that &Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub> and arithmetical would coincide. It is well known that this expectation is false, and indeed the &Delta;<sup>1</sup><sub>1</sub> set Q witnesses this. For if Q were arithmetical, it would be &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n</sub> for some n. Taking any &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n+1</sub> set P &subseteq; &omega;, there is some j such that for all k

> P(k) iff (j,k) &in; S<sup>1</sup><sub>n+1</sub> iff (n+1,j,k) &in; Q.

Since Q is &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n</sub> by hypothesis, so is P. But then, since P was arbitrary, every &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n+1</sub> subset of &omega; is in fact &Sigma;<sup>0</sup><sub>n</sub>, contradicting the theorem that the arithmetical hierarchy is proper.