The answer is yes. 
Indeed, let us write $X$ instead of $x$, according to standard notation, to distinguish between random variables (denoted by upper-case letters) and their values (denoted by lower-case letters). Let us write $P$ instead of $\Pr$, and then let us also write $A$ instead of $E$, to distinguish it from the expectation sign. 
Then we need to show that 
	EX\,P(A|X)\ge P(A)\,EX
given that 
	P(A|X>y)\ge P(A)
for all $y$ such that $P(X>y)\ne0$. 

We have 
	EX\,P(A|X)=EX\,E(1_A|X)=EX\,1_A \\ 
	=E\int_0^\infty dy\,1_{X>y,A}=\int_0^\infty dy\,E1_{X>y,A} \\ 
	=\int_0^\infty dy\,P(X>y,A)	=\int_0^\infty dy\,P(A|X>y)P(X>y) \\ 
	\ge\int_0^\infty dy\,P(A)P(X>y)=P(A)\int_0^\infty dy\,P(X>y)=P(A)EX, 
as claimed. 

(The last equality follows immediately from the special case $EX=\int_0^\infty dy\,P(X>y)$ of the previously proved equality $EX\,P(A|X)=\int_0^\infty dy\,P(X>y,A)$, with $A$ replaced there by an event of probability $1$.)