This is a NEW EDITION using the condition that two edges incident with a vertex not in the dominating circuit cannot be attached to consecutive vertices in the dominating circuit. I tried 100 million at random for each size $12, 16, \ldots, 48$ (it must be a multiple of 4). They were all hamiltonian except for 4 graphs on 28 vertices. Vertices $0,1,\ldots,20$ in natural order are the dominating cycle. The neighbours of the other vertices are as follows. **Graph 1.** 21 : 1 6 8; 22 : 16 18 20; 23 : 5 7 9; 24 : 4 17 19; 25 : 2 12 14; 26 : 0 3 10; 27 : 11 13 15; **Graph 2.** 21 : 1 3 5; 22 : 13 15 17; 23 : 9 14 16; 24 : 7 12 20; 25 : 0 2 4; 26 : 6 10 19; 27 : 8 11 18; **Graph 3.** 21 : 2 4 6; 22 : 10 12 17; 23 : 0 8 15; 24 : 1 3 5; 25 : 9 14 19; 26 : 11 16 18; 27 : 7 13 20; **Graph 4.** 21 : 3 17 19; 22 : 4 18 20; 23 : 1 5 16; 24 : 2 6 14; 25 : 8 10 12; 26 : 9 11 13; 27 : 0 7 15; These have *not* been tested for 3-edge-colourability.