There exists a stationary subset of $P_{\omega_1} (\omega_2)$ of size $\aleph_2$. This is a result of Baumgartner and you can find a proof for this here: I don't dare to answer the general case as I don't know much about it. I think it is a quite complicated issue depending on several things as cardinal arithmetic and even large cardinals. However you can generalize the proof of Solovays Splitting theorem which says that every stationary subset of a regular cardinal $\kappa$ can be split into $\kappa$-many pairwise disjoint stationary sets, to obtain that every stationary subset of $P_{\kappa} (\lambda)$ can be split into $\kappa$ many pairwise disjoint stationary sets, which gives you a lower bound for the size of stationary sets. (An obvious upper bound is of course $\lambda^{< \kappa}$)