
Let $X$ and $Y$ be two smooth (probably projective) algebraic varieties defined over $\mathbf{C}$.
What is known in general about the (topological) space of holomorphic maps $\mathrm{Hol}(X(\mathbf{C}),Y(\mathbf{C}))$ from $X(\mathbf{C})$ to $Y(\mathbf{C})$?

In particular, I would be interested to know under what hypothesis on $X$ and $Y$ the space 
$\mathrm{Hol}(X(\mathbf{C}),Y(\mathbf{C}))$ is a smooth manifold (and to have a formula to compute the dimension of its connected components).

One example I have in mind is : if $X=Y=\mathbf{P}^1$ (the projective line) then $\mathrm{Hol}(\mathbf{P}^1(\mathbf{C}),\mathbf{P}^1(\mathbf{C}))$, in which case one gets the space of complex rational functions (which has connected components indexed by the positive integers (the degree), but each is a smooth algebraic variety).

I think this might be an (easy?) application of the theory of Grothendieck $\mathrm{Hom}$-schemes, but I don't feel very at ease with this. 
I would also be interested to know when $\mathrm{Hom}(X,Y)$ is a smooth algebraic variety.

Many thanks,
