Recall the definition of tightness for a probability measure $\mathbb P$ on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of a metric space $(S,d)$:
> For each $\varepsilon>0$, we can find a compact subset $K$ of $X$ such that $\mathbb P(K)\geq 1-\varepsilon$. 

The question is: is there a "nice" topological characterization of metric spaces such that each Borel probability measure is tight?

In Billingsley's book _Convergence of probability measures_, 1968, it's said that it's an open problem. I wish know whether some progress have been done so far.

Call EPT a metric space on which each Borel probability measure is tight. 
Some remarks:
 - By Ulam's theorem, each separable metric space topologically complete is EPT. 
 - A necessary and sufficient condition that each probability has a separable support is that each subset of $D$ of $S$ which is discrete have a non-measurable cardinal (i.e. we can't find a probability measure $\mu$ on $2^D$ such that $\mu(\{x\})=0$ for each $x\in D$). Hence for each EPT space, each discrete subset have a non-measurable cardinal.