Consider finite group G and its subgroup H, and representation of G in k[G/H] i.e. functions on G/H. **Question:** What is known about the question: when k[G/H] is multiplicity free ? (Let us consider k - complex numbers for simplicity). More generally consider $Ind^G_H V$ some induced representation of G from $H$, same question. (In case V= trivial representation we get previous question). Are there some general conditions ? What is know about the cases G = S_n, A_n, GL_n(F_q) ? **Example**: $S_{n-1} \in S_n$ is multiplicity free since G/H = C^n - standard representation. **Particular question** $H=GL_{n}(F_q) \subset G= GL_{n+1}(F_q)$ is C[G/H] multiplicity free ? (This is true from GL(C) and leads to Gelfand-Zeitlin basis theory). More generally what about induced representations in this case ? Morally multiplicity free means that $H$ is "big" subgroup of G, however I do not know any precise way to say what "big" means. PS I googled "Multiplicity-free permutation representations of the alternating groups", which promises survey on the topic, but but I have no access to this file:( If someone can help ... would be great...