The inverse of the function you propose, that is $$L(y) = \sup\{\mu(A): A\in\mathscr{B},\nu(A)\le y \}.$$ is known as the L'evy concentration function, studied by Kolmogorov, Rogozin, Esseen and others. See the special volume [1] The classic book [2] has a chapter devoted to concentration functions with many references and the paper [3] has a quite sharp estimate; connection to combinatorics are in [4]. Also related is the study of small-ball probabilities, see the survey [5]. [1] Kruglov, V. M. "Concentration Functions (No. 45)." Selected Works of AN Kolmogorov. Springer, Dordrecht, 1992. 571-574. [2] Petrov, Valentin Vladimirovich. Sums of independent random variables. Vol. 82. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. [3] Kesten, Harry. "A sharper form of the Doeblin–Levy–Kolmogorov–Rogozin inequality for concentration functions." Mathematica scandinavica 25.1 (1970): 133-144. [4] Halász, Gábor. "Estimates for the concentration function of combinatorial number theory and probability." Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 8.3-4 (1977): 197-211. [5] Li, Wenbo V., and Q-M. Shao. "Gaussian processes: inequalities, small ball probabilities and applications." Handbook of Statistics 19 (2001): 533-597.