Let $K$ be a bounded closed convex subset of a Banach space $E$. A point $x$ in $K$ is called a diametral point if 
\sup_{y\in K} ||x-y||=diam(K).
where $diam(K)$ denotes the diameter of $K$.
The set $K$ is said to have normal structure if every nontrivial (i.e contains at least two points) convex subset $H$ of $K$ contains a non-diametral point of $H$.

A dual Banach space $E$ has weak* normal structure if every nontrivial weak* compact convex subset of $E$ has normal structure.

Does the dual space $B(\ell^\infty)$ of bounded linear operators on $\ell^\infty$ has weak* normal structure? 

Recall that the natural predual of  $B(\ell^\infty)$ is the space $\ell^\infty\hat{\otimes}\ell^1$ where $\hat{\otimes}$ denotes the projective tensor product.