Here are some extra references:

 - [Amazeen, Étale and Pro-Étale Fundamental Groups](;
 - [Belmans, Grothendieck Topologies and Étale Cohomology](;
 - [Bergström--Rydh, Étale Cohomology Spring 2016](;
 - [Conrad (?), Étale Cohomology](;
 - [Hajj Chehade, Sheaf Cohomology on Sites and the Leray Spectral Sequence, Chapter
 - [Klingler, Étale Cohomology and the Weil Conjectures](;
 - [Kunkel, Étale Fundamental Group: An Exposition](;
 - [Laskar, Étale Cohomology](;
 - [Puttick, Galois Groups and the Étale Fundamental Group](;
 - [Robinson, Étale Cohomology](;
 - [Sarlin, The Étale Fundamental Group, Étale Homotopy and Anabelian
 - [Szamuely, Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups, Chapter 5](;
 - [The Stacks Project Authors, Étale Cohomology](;
 - [Yang, Fundamental Groups of Schemes](;
 - [Zarabara, Étale Cohomology over $\mathrm{Spec}(k)$](