A bounded operator $A$ in a Hilbert space is called nilpotent if there exists $n$ such that $A^{n}=0$. An operator is called quasi-nilpotent if for every vector $h$
in the Hilbert space
\limsup_{n\to\infty}{ \|A^{n}(h)\|^{1/n}}=0.

Every nilpotent operator is clearly quasi-nilpotent. The family of quasi-nilpotent operators is very important for the hyperinvariant subspace problem. For instance, it was proved by Haagerup and Schultz, that if the Brown measure of an operator in a $\mathrm{II}_1$-factor is concentrated in more than one point then it has a non-trivial hyperinvariant subspace. A subspace is called $A$-hyperinvariant if it is invariant for all the operators that commute with $A$.

I seem to recall from Herrero's book that the norm closure of the nilpotent and quasi-nilpotent operators in $B(H)$ is pretty well understood. However, I don't have a copy with me at the moment. My question is: Is it known what is the norm closure of the nilpotent operators or/and quasi-nilpotent operators in the hyperfinite $\mathrm{II}_1$-factor? In any other $\mathrm{II}_1$-factor?
