I have the following set of equation systems, and I would like to find a short, formal way to write it down. My main difficulty is that I cannot find a good way to write the indices of the variables $\omega$. Any suggestion is highly apprechiated.

with $\omega_{X,Y,x,y} \in \mathbb{C}$, and $x,y \in \{0,1\}$. This leads to 24 independent variables ($\omega_{A,B,0,0}$, $\omega_{A,B,0,1}$, $\omega_{A,B,1,0}$, $\omega_{A,B,1,1}$, $\omega_{A,C,0,0}$, $\omega_{A,C,0,1}$, $\omega_{A,C,1,0}$, $\omega_{A,C,1,1}$, $\omega_{A,D,0,0}$, $\omega_{A,D,0,1}$, $\omega_{A,D,1,0}$, $\omega_{A,D,1,1}$, $\omega_{B,C,0,0}$, $\omega_{B,C,0,1}$, $\omega_{B,C,1,0}$, $\omega_{B,C,1,1}$, $\omega_{B,D,0,0}$, $\omega_{B,D,0,1}$, $\omega_{B,D,1,0}$, $\omega_{B,D,1,1}$, $\omega_{C,D,0,0}$, $\omega_{C,D,0,1}$, $\omega_{C,D,1,0}$, $\omega_{C,D,1,1}$), and 16 equations:





 - The rule is, that I multiply $m=\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)$ variables $\omega_{X_i,Y_i,x_i,y_i}$ ($\omega_{X_1,Y_1,x_1,y_1}\cdot\omega_{X_2,Y_2,x_2,y_2}\cdot\dots\cdot\omega_{X_m,Y_m,x_m,y_m}$), such that $X_0,Y_0,X_1,Y_1,\dots,X_m,Y_m$ contains each of the first $n$ letters in the alphabet exactly once.

 - There are $|\omega|=4\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$ variables and $|Q|=2^n$ equations.

 - The indices could be generalized to $x,y \in \{0,1,...,c-1\}$. Then $|\omega|=c^2\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$, $|Q|=c^n$.


>**Question.** How can one write this infinite set of equation systems in a concise, formal way?

There are infinite equation systems because $n$ can be an arbitrary even integer, and $c$ can contain arbitrarily many terms.

PS: The current question is a reformulation of this question on [graph theory][1], independent of graphs and perfect matchings.

  [1]: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/311325/vertex-coloring-inherited-from-perfect-matchings-motivated-by-quantum-physics