This post comes from the suggestion of [Joel Moreira][1] in comment of [this post][2] (itself inspired by [this video][3] and [this paper][4]). Let $u_0 \ge 2$. Consider the recurrence relation $$u_{n+1} = \lfloor u_n \rfloor (u_n - \lfloor u_n \rfloor + 1).$$ If $u_n$ is integral then $u_{n+1}=u_n$. The sequence $(u_n)$ is called *eventually integral* if there is $n$ such that $u_n$ is integral. **Question**: Is the sequence $(u_n)$ eventually integral when $u_0 \ (\ge 2)$ is a rational number? *Remark*: It is true for $u_0=\frac{p}{q}$ with $p\le 4000$ (see Appendix). For $u_0=\frac{11}{5}$, then $$(5u_n)=(11, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 42, 56, 66, 78, 5 \cdot 24, \dots).$$ Here is a picture of the dynamic: [![enter image description here][5]][5] The general proof could be non-easy, by regarding the example $u_0=\frac{15}{7}$: $$(7u_n) = (15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 30, 36, 40, 60, 88, 132, 234, 330, 376, 636, 1170, 1336, 2470, 4576, 7836, 11190, 17578, 20088, 34428, 44262, 50584, 65034, 102190, 160578, 7 \cdot 39324, \dots)$$ ___ **Appendix** In the following list the data $[r,(p,q)]$ means that the sequence $(u_n)$, with $u_0=\frac{p}{q}$, reaches an integer at $n=r$. The list provides the ones with the longest $r$ according the lexicographic order of $(p,q)$. *Computation* sage: search(4228) [1, (2, 1)] [2, (5, 2)] [3, (7, 2)] [4, (7, 3)] [11, (11, 5)] [30, (15, 7)] [31, (29, 14)] [45, (37, 17)] [53, (39, 17)] [124, (41, 19)] [167, (59, 29)] [168, (117, 58)] [358, (123, 53)] [380, (183, 89)] [381, (201, 89)] [530, (209, 97)] [532, (221, 97)] [622, (285, 131)] [624, (295, 131)] [921, (359, 167)] [1233, (383, 181)] [1365, (517, 251)] [1482, (541, 269)] [2532, (583, 263)] [3121, (805, 389)] [3586, (1197, 587)] [3608, (1237, 607)] [3860, (1263, 617)] [4160, (1425, 643)] [6056, (1487, 743)] [9658, (1875, 859)] [9662, (1933, 859)] [10467, (2519, 1213)] [10534, (2805, 1289)] [11843, (2927, 1423)] [12563, (3169, 1583)] [13523, (3535, 1637)] [14004, (3771, 1871)] [14461, (4147, 2011)] [17485, (4227, 1709)] *Code* def Seq(p,q): x=Rational(p/q) A=[floor(x)] while not floor(x)==x: n=floor(x) x=Rational(n*(x-n+1)) m=floor(x) A.append(m) return A def search(r): m=0 for p in range(2,r): for q in range(1,floor(p/2)+1): A=Seq(p,q) l=len(A) if l>m: m=l print([m,(p,q)]) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: