*[edit 01.15.2013]  The following proof is still incomplete, but the main ideas should be useful.*

Let me start with some general notions, that I believe are known, for a tree  $T=(V,E)$  with finite, nonempty vertex set $V$ and edge set
$E$.  I will assume that $T$ is a minimal element of $\mathcal{AFT}$ only in the end.

For a path of length $n$ (number of edges)  , $ (v_0 \dots v_n) $ in  $ T $, let's define the
*centre*  of the path as the set $ \big\{v _ {\lfloor\frac{n
}{2}\rfloor},v _ {\lceil \frac{n }{2}\\rceil } \big\}$, consisting of one
or two vertices (thus, either the middle vertex, if $n$ is even, or the
middle edge, if $n$ is odd). Given two paths, there is a third path
including the
centres of both, and one endpoint of each. As a consequence, all paths of maximum length in a tree share
the same centre, that we can therefore refer to as *centre of the tree*,
$C(T):=\{v,v'\}$ (so  this notation allows that $C(T)=\{v\}=\{v'\}$,
a singleton,  precisely whenever the diameter of $T$ is an even number, as

Since the image of a maximum length path via an automorphism of $T$
is still a maximum length path, whose center is the image of the center of
the path, the set $C(T)$ is invariant for any  automorphism $f$ of $T$
(thus, it is either a fixed point, or a couple of fixed points , or a
2-periodic orbit of $f$).

The centre determines a natural genealogy order in $T$; in particular, we can attach to any vertex $v$
its progeny,  $\Gamma(v,T)$, the set of all vertices $x$ such that the minimal path from $x$ to the centre passes by $v$.  Thus, e.g. this reduces to $\{v\}$ if and only is $v$ is a leaf; if $ C(T)$ is a singleton $\{v\}$, $\Gamma(v,T)$ is the whole vertex set $V$; if $ C(T)$ is an edge $vv'$, $\Gamma(v,T)$ and $\Gamma(v',T)$ are the components of $(V, E\setminus\{C(T)\}$.

For a vertex $x$, denote  $( x^0 \dots x^n )$ the unique minimal path in
$ T $ connecting $x$ to the center: $x^0\in C(T)$, $x^n=x$; here $n$ is
the path distance from $C(T)$. It is also convenient to  consider the nested sequence
$ \Gamma(x^i,T) $, and the vector
$\gamma(x,T):=(\gamma_0,\dots,\gamma_n)\in\mathbb{N}^{n+1}$  whose $i$-th entry is the cardinality 
$\gamma_i:=|\Gamma (x^i,T)|$ of each of these sets.  Note that, since the center of a tree is
automorphism-invariant, any automorphism of $T$ satisfy $\gamma(f(x),T)=\gamma(x,T)$.
Among all leaves, consider those with minimum $\gamma(x,T)$ in the lexicographic
order (with leading coefficient $\gamma_0$ ); we may shortly call them *minimal leaves*. For instance, the three leaves of the tree $E_7$ have labels  $(3,2,1)$,
$(4,1)$, and  $(4,3,1)$,  in increasing lexicographic order.

Let $x$ be a leaf of $T$,  with father $x'=x^{n-1}$.  We may denote $ T_x:=(V_x,E_x)$ the tree obtained deleting the leaf $x$ and the edge $xx'$.
For a minimal leaf $x$ we may distinguish the following alternative:

**1.** $\mathrm{diam}(T_x)=\mathrm{diam}(T)$. This means that $T$ and $T_x$
share a maximum length path, so they also have the same center.  Thus, for any $v\in V_x$ we have
$\Gamma(v,T_x)=\Gamma(v,T)\setminus\{x\}$, and in particular
the entries of $\gamma(x',T_x)$ are simply $\gamma_i(x',T_x) = \gamma_i(x,T) -1$ for $i=0,\dots,n-1$. As a 
consequence, any automorphism $f$ of $T_x$ fixes the whole path connecting
$x'$ to $C(T_x)=C(T)$ (this follows by induction on $i$, arguing on
the cardinality of the connected components $\Gamma (x^i,T_x)$: now $\Gamma (x^0,T_x)$ has *strictly* minimum cardinality among the components of $(V_x, E_x\setminus \{C(T)\})$, so $f(\Gamma (x^0,T_x))=\Gamma(x^0,T_x)$ and $x^0$ is fixed; then $x^1$ is fixed because $\Gamma(x^1,T_x)$ has strictly minimum cardinality among the components of the sons of $x^0$ in $\Gamma (x^0,T_x)$, and so on ). Therefore, $f$
extends to an automorphism of $T$ that fixes $x$. Clearly, this is not the
case if $T$ is a minimal element of $\mathcal{AFT}$. 

**2.** $\mathrm{diam}(T_x)=\mathrm{diam}(T)-1$. This means that every maximal length path of $T$ must   end at $x$. In this case,  I think there is a further alternative (it seemed to me not hard to prove, at
  least assuming   $T\in \mathcal{AFT}$):  

> either (2a) $T$ possesses a
> nontrivial automorphism (which is not
> the case if  $T\in \mathcal{AFT}$), or
> (2b) no vertex of the minimal path
> $(x^0,\dots, x^{n})$ connecting $x$ to
> $C(T)$ is a  branching point; 
> moreover, if $T$ is assumed to be a
> minimal element of $\mathcal{AFT}$, 
> $\mathrm{diam}(T)$ is an odd number
> $2n+1$.

Now, assume $T$ is a minimal element in $\mathcal{AFT}$, so that we should be in case 2b. 
Since  $(x^0,\dots, x^{n-1})$ is part of a maximum length path in $T_x$, and $ \mathrm{diam}(T_x)=2n $   is even, the center of $T_x$ is a single vertex, namely the other endpoint $y^0$ of $C(T):=\{x^0,y^0\}$. If $f_x$ denote the unique nontrivial automorphism of $T_x$, we know that $f_x(y_0)=y_0$ (it's the center of $T_x$), while $y:=f_x(x^{n-1})\neq x^{n-1} $ (otherwise $f_x$ would  extend to $T$). Therefore, $ (y^0, f_x(x^0),f_x(x^1),\dots,f_x(x^{n-1}))$  is the $n$-edges path connecting $y$ to $C(T)$, and
since the $x^i$ for $i\ge0$ are not branching points, this  path has no branching points too, with the possible exception of  $y^0$. Actually, $y^0$  *must* be a branching point, otherwise the path $\xi:=(x^n,x^{n-1},\dots,x^0,y^0,y^1,\dots y^n)$, which has  maximal length $2n+1$ in $T$, would have no branching point at all, and therefore  would be $T$ itself, what however is impossible because $T$ has no nontrivial automorphism. 

Next, we  may consider the  automorphism $f_y$ of $T_y$. As to  $C(T_y)$, it is either $\{x^0\}$ (if $\xi$ is the unique maximum length path of $T$ and $ \mathrm{diam}(T_y)=2n $)  , or $C(T_y)=C(T)$, (if there are other maximum length paths in $T$ and $ \mathrm{diam}(T_y)=2n+1 $). Therefore $f_y(y_0)$
is either $x^0$, or $x^1$, or $y^0$; however, only the last case is  possible, because $y_0$ is a branching points and   $x^0$, or $x^1$  are not. Thus, $( f_y(y^0), f_y(y^1),\dots,f_y(y^{n-1}))$ is a path of length $n-1$ , starting from the branching point $y^0=f_y(y^0)$, without other branching points. For the same reason, $T$ must contain a family of paths emanating from $y^0$, with no branching points, of all lengths between $1$ and $n$; in particular, a leaf $z$ attached to $y^0$ (and possibly other matter). 
The unique involution $f$ of $T_z$ exchanges the endpoints of $C(T_z)=C(T)$ (otherwise it would be extensible to a nontrivial automorphism of $T$),   therefore bijects the whole $\Gamma(x^0, T)=\Gamma(x^0, T_z)$ with $\Gamma(y^0, T_z)$.   This proves that $n=2$ and $T$ is   $E_7$.