Suppose we have an abelian extension of Hopf algebras,

$$k \rightarrow k^G \rightarrow A \rightarrow kF \rightarrow k.$$ 

According to the general theory there is a left action of $F$ on $G$ and a $2$-cocycle $\sigma:F\times F \rightarrow k^G$ such that $A=k^G$ \#${}_{\sigma} kF$ as algebras.

1)Is it true that $\sigma^n=\mathrm{id}$ for some $n\geq 1$? In other words can one choose $\sigma'$ in the same class with $\sigma$ such that  if $\sigma'(f, h)=\sum_{a \in G}\sigma'_a(f,h)p_a$ then $$\sigma\;'_a(f,h)^n=\mathrm{id}$$  for all $a, f, h$. Here $p_a$ is the usual notation for dual basis of the group element basis . 

2) A little  more general question  (that implies the first question) is if the set of all $2$-cocycles of $F$ with values in $k^G$ finite? Equivalently the question is if $H^2(F, k^G)$ is finite with $F$ acting on $k^G$ via the action of $F$ on $G$.

3)A related question for what groups $X$ with an $F$-action the group $H^2(F, X)$ is finite? For example $X=k^*$ gives the usual Schur multiplier.