A source available online is this [paper](http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?verb=Display&version=1.0&service=UI&handle=euclid.nmj/1118785530&page=record) "Examples of bad Noetherian rings" by Marinari (example 2.1). The reason many of these types of construction work is because of the following vague and counter-intuitive phenomemon: *It is usually easier than we think for a complete local ring to be a completion of a Noetherian ring with certain properties.* For example, there is this amazing [theorem](http://www.jstor.org/pss/2154327) by Heitmann that most complete local ring of depth at least $2$ is a completion of a UFD ! So back to Marinari's paper, the example is as follows: start with some local Artinian ring $(Q,m)$ such that $Q$ is not Gorenstein. Then $Q[[X]]$ is complete, and one can find a local domain $R$ such that $\hat R=Q[[X]]$. Now if $R$ is a quotient of a regular local ring, then the comletion of $R$ is generically a complete intersection. But $Q[[X]]$ is not even generically Gorenstein, since $Q$ is not.