The only finite connected graphs $G$ that are isomorphic to their [line graph][1] $L(G)$ are the [cycle graphs][2] $C_n$ (see [this link][3] for example).

There are connected countable graphs that are isomorphic to their line graph:

 - $G=(\omega,E)$ where $E=\{\{k,k+1\}: k\in\omega\}$;
 - $G=(\mathbb{Z},E)$ where $E=\{\{k,k+1\}: k\in\mathbb{Z}\}$.

Note that in the second graph, all vertices have degree 2, which makes it into a kind of "infinite cycle". (An interesting side question would be whether these are the only connected countable graphs (up to isomorphism) that are isomorphic to their line graph.)

**Question.** Is there a connected graph $G=(V,E)$ with $V$ uncountable such that $G\cong L(G)$?
