
Express the following power series in $2$-variables $x,y$ as an infinite product, or a short sum of infinite products:

Does it have any special properties e.g. automorphic form?


The *$2$-residue* of an integer node $(n,m)$ in the plane is $m-n$ mod $2$. So the $2$-residues alternate as $0,1$ in a checkerboard pattern. The *Young diagram* $[\lambda]$ of a partition $\lambda$ is a set of nodes in the plane. An *addable node* of $\lambda$ does not belong to $[\lambda]$, but can be adjoined to give the Young diagram of a partition (of $|\lambda|+1$).

Now define, for $i=0,1$:
$c_i(\lambda)$ is the number of nodes in $[\lambda]$ with $2$-residue $i$.
$a_i(\lambda)$ is the number of addable nodes of $\lambda$ with $2$-residue $i$.

Then my power series is the generating function of
\sum_\lambda a_0(\lambda)x^{c_0(\lambda)}y^{c_1(\lambda)}
Here $\lambda$ ranges over all partitions. I'll leave it as an exercise to work out the corresponding identity for the *other* generating function $\sum_\lambda a_1(\lambda)x^{c_0(\lambda)}y^{c_1(\lambda)}$, using the first.

The coefficient of a given monomial $x^ay^b$ is the dimension of a certain algebra, naturally associated to the symmetric group $S_{a+b}$, defined in characteristic $2$.

**Other Information**

Using the Jacobi Triple Product identity I can factorize the generating function for the $2$-residues of partitions as
=P(xy)^2\sum\limits_{k=-\infty}^\infty x^{k^2}y^{k^2+k}
Experts on the modular representation of the symmetric group will understand the significance of the left hand side and the first equality. The identity has a combinatorial proof that can be deduced from Cilanne E. Boulet, A four-parameter partition identity, arXiv:math/0308012v1

The generating function I'm interested in can be got (almost) using partial differentiation from this.

Also if we set $x=y$ in the original, standard results give:
\sum_\lambda a_0(\lambda)x^{|\lambda|}=\frac{1}{2(1-x)} \frac{P(x)^4+P(x^2)^2}{P(x)^3}
\sum_\lambda a_1(\lambda)x^{|\lambda|}=\frac{1}{2(1-x)} \frac{P(x)^4-P(x^2)^2}{P(x)^3}