Hello! Does anybody know an image of a graph featuring the hierarchy of algebraic structures? Something rather complete.

So far I've found similar images describing the hierarchies of classes/categories in various programming languages. For example

 - [Haskell's basic algebra library][1]
 - [Coq's math classes][2]
 - So far the largest Axiom's [abbreviated][3] and [full name][4] graph of its categories (incomplete?)
 - [category hierarchy of Sage][5]

  [1]: http://ubuntuone.com/p/19TS/
  [2]: http://math-classes.org/hierarchy.png
  [3]: http://www.axiom-developer.org/axiom-website/dotabb.html
  [4]: http://daly.axiom-developer.org/dotfull.html
  [5]: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/attachment/wiki/CategoriesRoadMap/sage-category-graph.pdf