Recall that a space $X$ is called *locally equiconnected* or *LEC* if the diagonal map $d:X\hookrightarrow X\times X$ is a cofibration. For example, CW-complexes are LEC. There is some discussion of this concept at [this MO question][1].

Let $G$ be a finite group. Recall that a $G$-map $i: A\to Y$ is called a *$G$-cofibration* if it has the $G$-homotopy extension property with respect to all $G$-maps $f: Y\to Z$.

>If $X$ is LEC, is the diagonal map $d: X\hookrightarrow X\times X$ a $\Sigma_2$-cofibration, where the symmetric group acts trivially on $X$ and by permuting factors on $X\times X$?  

I've tried searching the literature on equivariant homotopy theory, but this doesn't seem to fall quite in that territory since $X$ itself does not come equipped with a group action.
