Quantum topology is much easier for knotted tori in R<sup>4</sup> than for knots in R<sup>3</sup>. The former is a generalization of the latter, because for any knot you can take the boundary of a tubular neighbourhood of the inclusion of the knot into R<sup>4</sup>, which is a knotted torus.<br>
The reason that the more general problem is easier is that the projectivization (<i>homomorphic expansion</i>) of the space of knotted tori in R<sup>4</sup> gives rise to a space of diagrams $\mathcal{A}$ containing oriented chords. The homomorphic expansion of the space of knots, on the other hand, gives rise to a space of diagrams in which the chords are not oriented. Oriented, based trees are much simpler combinatorial objects that unoriented, unbased trees. In particular, the Drinfeld associator, which is the most painful aspect of quantum topology of knots, vanishes in $\mathcal{A}$.<br>
The upshot of the generalization is that the universal finite-type invariant for knotted tori in R<sup>4</sup> is the Alexander polynomial, which is a homological invariant, and which is immeasurably simpler then the universal finite type invariant for knots, the Kontsevich invariant.<br>
In fact, a further generalization, allowing "trivalent vertices" in the knotted tori (where two tubes fuse into one) simplifies the algebra yet further and allows the proof of theorems relating the value of the Alexander polynomial of such an object with its cablings. Again, this is motivated by the algebra- we expand the class of topological objects under consideration in order to create an associated graded space which looks as much as possible like a quantized Lie (bi)algebra, from where our invariants are going to come, and which we are supposed to know how to handle.<br>
Dror Bar-Natan discussed this, and related ideas, in <a href="http://www.math.toronto.edu/drorbn/Talks/Montpellier-1006/m1.html">a series of talks in Montpellier</a>.