Conjugate vertices in a graph<sup>1</sup> or conjugate elements of a group<sup>2</sup> are equivalent (indistinguishable, essentially the same) in *one* specific structural sense. Isomorphic objects in a category are equivalent in *another* specific structural sense. In both cases we don't look *inside* the objects but declare them equivalent from the *outside*. In both cases equivalence has to do with isomorphism: with structure preserving maps between the structure the conjugate elements live in and itself (automorphisms) resp. with iso arrows between the elements themselves. Define two objects $A,B$ in a category to be conjugate when there is an isomorphism endofunctor $F$ with $F(A) = B$. > Question 1: Is it true that any two > isomorphic objects are conjugate > (since there is an isomorphism > endofunctor that permutes them)? The reverse is most certainly false: There are categories with conjugate objects that are **not** isomorphic. E.g. the graphs ![alt text][1x] [<sup>(source)</sup>][1] in the category of graphs over two fixed vertices (with graph homomorphisms as morphisms) are two such objects (#9 and #6 in the diagram below). Note that there is no morphism at all between these two graphs. > Question 2: Might it be the case > that whenever two objects are conjugate-but-not-isomorphic there is no > morphism between them? Or is this true only in special categories and/or special cases? > > Question 3: How "normal" is it that a category contains > conjugate-but-not-isomorphic objects? Most of all I'd like to know how to think about this bewildering pair of equivalences in general terms. Appendix --------- Here is the complete category of graphs over two fixed vertices and an arrow whenever there is a graph homomorphism. Compositions and identities are omitted. ![alt text][2x] [<sup>(source)</sup>][2] The numbers are derived from the adjacency matrices: 0 = 00|00, 1 = 10|00, ..., 15 = 11|11. Footnotes ---------- <sup>1</sup> $x,y$ are conjugate iff there is a $g \in \text{Aut}(G)$ with $g(x) = y $. <sup>2</sup> $x,y$ are conjugate iff there is a $g \in G$ with $gx= yg$. [1]: [2]: [1x]: [2x]: