Current results are able to yield such results. Depending on how generous one is regarding what $X$ is. If it is just the optimal value can be calculated *exactly* this will work for many more $k$ and if one is happy with an explicit bound for all $k$. For example Dusart showed that $$ \frac{x}{\log x - 1} \le \pi(x) \le \frac{x}{\log x - 1.1} $$ for $x\ge 60184$. Now for some $k$, write $y=kx$. Then, if the upper bound for $kx=y$ is smaller than the lower bound for $(k+1)x = (1+1/k)y$, that is $$ \frac{y}{\log y - 1.1} \lt \frac{y(1+ 1/k)}{\log( y (1+1/k) )- 1} $$ one has a prime between $kx$ and $(k+1)x$, since then $\pi(kx) \lt \pi((k+1)x)$. One can check that this inequality holds for (up to potential error in my calculation) $$ y \ge 10 e^{0.1 k}. $$ So, for $x \ge \max \lbrace 10 e^{0.1 k}/k , 60184/k \rbrace $ one always has a prime between $kx$ and $(k+1)x$. While this grows exponential in $k$, the growth is such that it is well feasible to check 'everything' up to the bound to get an optimal $X$ for not too large $k$. And, one always has an explict value. This proof is of course not elementary (the non-elementariness being hidden in Dusart's result) and is an application of the PNT in some sense. But what this is meant to show is that for a result around this to be interesting it seems necessary either to be better (and one could still optimize this here) than this *or* the proof would have to be interesting (or both). [What an interesting proof is is of course a bit subjective.]