Does there exist a way to efficiently solve the following problem? Given some constant $k$ and several sets of non-negative integers:<br/> $a_0\in\{a_{0,0},a_{0,1},...,a_{0,m_0}\},$<br/>$a_1\in\{a_{1,0},a_{1,1},...,a_{1,m_1}\},$<br/>$ ...,$<br/>$ a_n\in\{a_{n,0},a_{n,1},...,a_{n,m_n}\}$<br/> $\forall i \forall j, 0 \leq a_{i,j} < k$ Find the smallest sum $S = a_0+a_1+...+a_n$ such that $S \geq k$. I know that the problem is trivial when $k = 0$, but am unsure if there exists an efficient approach when $k > 0$.