This question is inspired by my inability to make any progress on [Will Jagy's question][1]. Giving a positive answer to this question should be strictly easier than proving Jagy's conjectures. Suppose that $K/\mathbb{Q}$ is an imaginary quadratic extension. Let $\chi$ be the corresponding quadratic character. Suppose that there exist $k$ consecutive integers such that $\chi(a)=\chi(a+1)=\ldots=\chi(a+k-1)=1$. Do there necessarily exist infinitely many integers $b$ such that $b$, $b+1$, ... and $b+k-1$ are all norms of ideals in $\mathcal{O}_K$? For example, the first interesting case is to determine whether there are infinitely many $b$ such that, in the prime factorizations of both $b$ and $b+1$, those primes which are $3$, $5$ or $6$ modulo $7$ all occur an even number of times. The motivation here is that Jagy's questions seem to mix a "sieve" question and a "class group" question. My question aims to isolate the sieve problem as its own challenge. [1]: