This question is actually about reading Adams' *Stable Homotopy and Generalised Cohomology*; in Part II chapter 2, there are two numbered lemmata (Lemma 2.5 contravariant, 2.14 covariant) to the effect that
> The Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequences $H_p(\mathbb{CP}^\infty,E_q(*))\Rightarrow E_{p+q}(\mathbb{CP}^\infty)$ and $H_p(\mathbb{CP}^\infty\times \mathbb{CP}^\infty,E_q(*))\Rightarrow E_{p+q}(\mathbb{CP}^\infty\times \mathbb{CP}^\infty)$ collapse at page 2.

Now, read in context, Adams has already mentioned that there are three spectra he's interested in: $H,KU,MU$ (where the AH-SS indeed collapses for sparsity reasons); but there is no mention of this in the statements of either lemma, nor in the (*very* terse) arguments given.

**Question**  Can someone confirm whether $E\in \{ H, KU , MU \}$ is in fact what Adams meant?