Perhaps an example of the kind of circularity you mention
arises with the self-reference phenomenon that arises in
connection with the [incompleteness
and related applications. Specifically, Gödel proved
the fixed-point lemma that for any assertion $\varphi(x)$
in arithmetic, there is a sentence $\psi$ such that PA, or
any sufficiently powerful and expressible theory, proves
that $\psi$ is equivalent to
$\varphi(\lucorner\psi\rucorner)$. In other words, $\psi$
is equivalent to the statement "$\psi$ has property
$\varphi$." Thus, statements in the language of arithmetic
can refer to themselves, and so self-reference, the stuff
of paradox and nonsense, enters our beautiful number

One famous example, used by Gödel to prove the first
incompleteness theorem, occurs when $\varphi(x)$ asserts,
"$x$ is the code of a statement having no proof in PA", for
then the resulting fixed point $\psi$ effectively asserts
"this statement is not provable". It follows now that it
cannot be provable, for then it would be a false provable
statement, and so it is true. Thus, it is a true unprovable
statement, establishing the first incompleteness theorem.

A dual version of this, however, exhibits your circularity
property in a stronger way. Namely, let us apply the fixed
point lemma to the formula $p(x)$ asserting "$x$ is the
code of a statement provable in PA." In this case, the
resulting fixed point $\psi$ asserts "this statement IS
provable." Consider now the following <a href="'s_theorem">theorem of L&ouml;b</a>:

<b>Theorem.</b>(L&ouml;b) If the Peano Axioms (PA) prove the implication (PA proves
$\varphi$)$\to\varphi$, then PA proves $\varphi$

(And the converse is immediate, so PA proves that (PA
proves $\varphi$)$\to \varphi$ if and only if PA proves

In the case of $\psi$ asserting "$\psi$ is provable," we
have that the hypothesis of L&ouml;b's theorem holds, and
so we may make the conclusion that yes, indeed, $\psi$
really is provable! In other words, the statement "this
statement is provable" really is provable, although no
naive argument will establish this.


The proof of L&ouml;b's theorem is itself a surprising
exercise in circularity, something like the following:

<b>Theorem.</b> Santa exists.

Proof. Let $S$ be the statement, "If S holds, then Santa
exists." Now, we claim that $S$ is true. Since it is an
implication, we assume the hypothesis, and argue for the
conclusion. So assume that the hypothesis of S is true;
that is, assume $S$ holds. But then the implication
expressed by $S$ is true. So the conclusion that Santa
exists is also true. So we have shown under the assumption
of the hypothesis of $S$ that the conclusion is true. So we
have established that $S$ holds. Now, by $S$, it follows
that Santa exists. QED

(Those who know the proof of L&ouml;b's theorem will agree
that the proof is fundamentally the same as the above,
except that it is fully rigorous nonsense instead of silly